The Poker Floorman

A Floorman's perspective of the poker world

Poker Card Hits the Floor

What happens when a card hits the floor?

If a card is dealt off of the table by the dealer, it is treated like any other exposed or flashed card.  The dealer will continue to deal the entire table their down cards, then replace the card dealt off of the table with the next card on the deck.  The  card dealt off of the table is shown to the entire table and used as the burn card.  In other words, the card that would have been the burn card is used to replace the card dealt off of the table and the card that was dealt off of the table is now used as the burn card.

It’s a different story if a player drops his own cards onto the floor.  Roberts Rules of Poker states, “If you drop any cards out of your hand onto the floor, you must still play them.” However, some poker rooms have a house rule that renders the hand dead.  Be sure to know the house rules if plan on dropping your cards. 🙂

April 18, 2011 Posted by | For Beginner Poker Players, Poker Rules | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment